Jamie oliver

Why does Jamie Oliver always get an easy ride?

There are many annoying things about the celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, but none of them grates my gears as much as the media’s obsequiousness towards him. I suspect that his political campaigning is largely a self-serving gimmick to keep the Jamie Oliver brand in the public eye, but that is besides the point. The point is that he would be the first to describe himself an activist and yet he is never asked the questions that activists, let alone politicians, are asked. He gets the celebrity interview when he should be getting the political interview. He has never been hauled up on the facts. He has never been given a

Four of Jamie Oliver’s worst moments

The policemen who guard the Downing Street guards are used to rag-tag protesters rocking up and chanting in their faces. But Friday afternoon brought with it a more well-heeled crowd than usual, as a myriad collection of 200 kids and campaigners rocked up in Whitehall to protest the government’s U-turn on the obesity strategy.  And at the centre of this bourgeois brouhaha was of course, the familiar face of Jamie Oliver, holding aloft an ‘Eton mess’ in true twee fashion. Oliver was incandescent at Johnson’s decision, as he told the crowd beneath his own Union Jack umbrella, leading them in a chant of ‘Eton!’ to which they replied ‘mess!’ Subtlety